James L. Oschman, PhD

Professor Jim Oschman is the author of a ground-breaking series of articles on “healing energy” published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. These articles have now been developed into two books, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis and Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance. These two books give the most skeptical academic scientists a theoretical basis for exploring the physiology and biophysics of energy medicines.

Dr. Oschman has both the academic credentials and the background in alternative therapies to carry out his explorations. He has degrees in Biophysics and Biology from the University of Pittsburgh. He has worked in major research labs around the world. These include Cambridge University in England, Case-Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, the University of Copenhagen, Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, where he was on the faculty, and the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, where he was a staff scientist. His many scientific papers have been published in the world’s leading journals. And, to learn about the theories and practices underlying complementary methods, Jim has both taught and attended classes at various schools around the world, and experienced a wide range of bodywork techniques. This has brought Jim some distinctions, including acting as President of the New England School of Acupuncture, and a Distinguished Service Award from the Rolf Institute. Jim continues his research and writing in Dover, New Hampshire, where he is President of Nature’s Own Research Association.

Dr. Oschman is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine in Washington, DC, USA. On November 16, 2002, Jim was presented with the Foundation’s Founders Award at a ceremony held at the Madison Hotel in Washington, DC. Jim is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine; which is currently focused on researching electromagnetic devices for treating cancer. This is the only organization that sends scouts throughout the world searching for alternative therapies with the goal of subjecting these methods to scientific investigation and reporting the results to the American public on its web page: NFAM.org.

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Website: www.energyresearch.us
Phone: 603/742-3789
P.O. Box 1935
Dover, New Hampshire, USA 03821

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