EMP 759A D. Surel 3 credits
Controlled Remote Viewing [CRV]:
Part II
Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) is a specific protocol that enables an individual to obtain psychoenergtic perceptions or specific and accurate non-local information from the time/space matrix by using the mind. CRV is a comprehensive and effective method that was developed and used by the military. In Controlled Remote Viewing: Basic and Intermediate Level — which is the Part I course (CRV-Part I) students familiarized themselves with the basic protocol and learned the importance of remaining in structure. Many questions come up in CRV-Part I as the student becomes more involved in the process and experiences some of the transformational changes. In this course, Controlled Remote Viewing - Part II (CRV-Part II), students will continue to develop their proficiency in generating accurate sessions but they will also monitor the changes they experience in their psychic skills and how these skills transfer into their every day lives.
The course will cover the more technical aspects of CRV session work such as Summaries and Monitoring. The course will offer a combination of CRV session work, developmental exercises, and readings that explain and support the development of remote viewing skills.
Please note that CRV practice sessions are done free-hand on paper. Students will need to either scan, or digitally photograph their session work and send it via email to the Professor. Practice sessions will be due on a weekly basis.
Students entering this course will have had an initial experience with Controlled Remote Viewing and will have learned the basics to generate good session work. They are now ready to embark on serious and in-depth session work. This course will give students the tools and practice time to refine their sensories, develop communication with their unconscious, and work on their weaknesses. The more one learns about CRV through experience, the more questions arise and the learning curve accelerates. In the CRV-Part I, students experience the time/space/event matrix and the emotional ramifications it can have. In this course students will learn how to travel in this matrix and be in control of their session. The core work will be practice sessions with proper summaries and in-depth discussions with analysis of CRV sessions. The transformational process continues and will be addressed throughout the course.
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