Regular and punctual attendance at all scheduled classes and during externship is expected of all students and is regarded as integral to course credit. When a student registers, that student accepts the responsibility of attending all classes on campus and Internet convened sessions; as well as, completing all class work assigned by the instructor. Beginning with the first class period, instructors will record absences at each class meeting and this information is entered in the student's permanent record.

To maintain satisfactory attendance a student may not miss in excess of 20% of the scheduled class sessions of a grading period. At the end of the grading period, if a student has missed in excess of 20% of the grading period, he / she will be placed on attendance probation beginning with the next grading period.

While on attendance probation a student may not miss in excess of 20% of the scheduled class sessions of the grading period. If at the end of the grading period for which a student is on attendance probation the student has violated the terms of probation, the student will be immediately withdrawn.

If a student on attendance probation does not exceed the 20% rule during the grading period, the student will be removed from attendance probation.

The institution reserves the right to sever its relationship with any student who incurs excessive absences. A student who misses an announced test, any examination, or class work shall receive a "0" on the test, examination, or class work unless the instructor deems the absence to be of a justifiable nature; then the student will be allowed to make-up the work.

Each student is directly responsible to the individual instructor and/or Dean for absences and for making up work missed.

Any student who misses ten (10) consecutive scheduled class sessions and does not return on the 11th session will be withdrawn, regardless of their attendance status. Students on externship must adhere to the 10-day attendance rule.

A student who has excessive absences and is terminated has the right to appeal in writing to the institution. For more information about the appeal process, contact the CEO / Executive Campus Director or the CAO / Academic Dean.

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence shall be reasonable in duration not to exceed one calendar year. A leave of absence may be granted for military leave, pregnancy, personal difficulties, and medical reasons. Return from a leave of absence will be at the time the same course is offered again, and the schedule must be approved by the Dean.

A written request for a leave of absence must be formally presented to the school by the student. The Dean will approve or deny the request and contact the student in writing. If a student fails to return from a leave of absence on the scheduled return date, he/she will be automatically terminated.

Leave Registered Fee

If a Student wishes to accomplish work on incomplete courses during a leave of absence they must pay a registered fee during those semesters of leave. The fee charged according to the University’s fee schedule.

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